"Never Dare I Say" is a project where individuals anonymously share their deepest secrets,
which are then transformed into unique brooches.
By creating these tangible objects, the project validates the secret writers' feelings and sparks broader
conversations about mental health and taboo topics.
Launching at Plattform Schmuckkunst in Graz, Austria, it will tour various locations, gathering local secrets and turning them into brooches.
This initiative fosters public participation, highlights our shared humanity, promotes empathy, and provides insight into the diverse
yet interconnected experiences of individuals across communities.
Where it all started
oxidised copper, stainless steel
‘’ I keep finding myself in waiting positions for people who
don’t do me any good.
I don’t end relationships because I don’t see my worth. ‘’
oxidised copper, 23 k goldleaf, stainless steel
‘’ The feeling of doing something very bad – a very bad sin.
These feelings of guilt developed because I grew up in a very religious-conservative family (..)
This summer or actions has a bitter after taste because my cousin was very dominant,
recreate a rape, or we take off our clothes here in the field (..)
Sometimes I felt intimidated by this dominance of my cousin...
When I remember a feeling of shame arisen. ‘’
oxidised copper, 23 k goldleaf, stainless steel
‘’ To live in a new city that is full of life but still feeling lonely (..)
I gave it one more year to allow me the opportunity to integrate myself.
Since then I have felt so alone, yes almost lonely. (..)
Not an easy time but luckily I survived it. ‘’
Allein, Einsam
oxidised copper, stainless steel
‘’ I believe in God! ‘’
Das Kruzifix
oxidised copper, 23 k goldleaf, stainless steel
‘’ I am afraid that I will never live my life the way I want to, but
instead will let myself be influenced by others and follow their
values and ideas, putting mine aside just to be loved and accepted ‘’
The missing piece
oxidised copper, 23 k goldleaf, stainless steel
‘’ When I knew what it was like to have kids, I wish for myself today, here and now,
never to have had kids ‘’
I wish
oxidised copper, stainless steel
’’ I am jealous of women who have the perfect relationship.
My biggest desire is to find my soulmate (..)
Someone who I can lean on. ‘’
I envy
oxidised copper, sterling silver, cubic zirkonia, stainless steel
‘’ ... at the bottom of it all, I am evil.
It feels like I am empty and I also fear this emptiness,
the void and the fear of absence of matter – the vertigo.
I visualize it.
As a spiral – a spiral of void making circles again and again inside my chest. ’’
In meiner Brust
oxidised copper, stainless steel
‘’ Sometime I am insecure about my potential ‘’
oxidised copper, sterling silver, cubic zirkonia, steel chain, stainless steel
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